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2021年适逢国际移民组织成立 70 周年及国际移民组织和中国建立关系 20 周年纪念。临近岁末,值此契机,国际移民组织发布《国际移民组织中国国别战略(2021-2025)》。
IOM Strategy for the People's Republic of China (2021-2025) releasedThis year 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of IOM and the 20th anniversary of IOM-China friendship. As the year draws to an end, we are honored to release IOM China’s Country Strategy (2021-2025) at such an auspicious occasion. The Country Strategy, first of its kind in the history of IOM presence in China, building upon the achievements and lessons learnt since the establishment of an IOM Liaison Office in China in 2007, articulates the IOM’s approach to addressing current and emerging migration trends. The strategic priorities outlined therein align with China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), IOM Strategic Vision (2019-2023), the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021-2025). The production of this document is intended to better support China in leveraging the potential of migration to achieve sustainable development in China, and with China in country partners. Recalling past achievements, we register our full appreciation to our government, non-government, academic, UN and other partners. Looking forward, we forge ahead with challenges and opportunities. We are committed to a further strengthened relations and more partnerships in the field of migration. For more information, please kindly contact IOM Mission in China at IOMChina@iom.int.